Useful Links

Parent’s Guide to Healthy Sleep – This is a guide for parents about their children’s sleep needs, including information about how sleep patterns change as a child ages. It also includes tips for making sure kids are getting an appropriate amount of sleep.

Best Bedtime Stories – This is a guide to the best bedtime stories to read to kids. It’s broken up by age group, and also includes online resources like animated videos and electronic narration. It also includes advice for parents on how to get a bedtime reading routine started.


Educational Videos and Comprehension Practice

Education Place

Education Resources

Savvas Realize  

Savvas Realize™ is our award-winning K-12 digital platform that houses over 850 instructional programs.

Reading Fun 

Fun Learning for your child

Reading Resources 

Useful reading resource for your child

National Geographic Kids 

Kids’s Games, Animals, Stories, and More

TED Talks for Children 

Education Technology Videos