After School

Hours: 4:00pm to 6:00pm

2022-2023 After School Program Flyer

Dear Key Point Christian Academy Families, 

After School registration is now open and it is now time to register your child/children. The Key Point Christian Academy After School Program allows children to explore their interests and foster new ones. We are proud to provide a comfortable and safe environment for all students from Preschool to Middle School. Your child/children can participate in a variety of activities starting Tuesday, September 6.


Enrollment takes place on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you would like to sign up for your child/children, please fill out the after-school online registration form (links below). 


  • After School Program Group and Private Instruments Registration Form

    • Group activities from 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm

    • Private instrument sessions from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm (30 minutes session) The After School staff will contact you with the available time slots

  • After School Tutoring Registration Form

    • Private One-one-One (45 or 60 minutes session)

    • High School Preparation Course – Only for 8th-grade students

If you would like to sign your child/children up, please fill out the after-school registration links and email them back to

New rules and guidelines are as follows:

After School Dismissal

All students will be escorted to the front door of the school office for dismissal.

Aftercare will not be provided unless you are enrolled in the monthly aftercare program.

Pick-up must be on time from the after-school program (5 minutes grace period) Note a $35 late fee will be incurred for each time students are picked up late.


All students must bring a healthy snack from home.

Unless students are enrolled in the Monthly After Care program (snacks are provided for students enrolled in aftercare).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Follow us on Instagram: @kpcaafterschool