Middle School

  • Key Point Christian Academy at First Miami Presbyterian Church middle school program provides a theoretical and practical education for all students. We facilitate an education that supports creativity, inquiry, habitual reading, and self-reflection. We are committed to inspiring the love of learning in our students. As a Christian community, we strive to exemplify the core values of integrity, responsibility, friendship, perseverance, citizenship, generosity, kindness/caring, leadership, and respect.
    Our teachers continually introduce new materials while reinforcing previous skills and content. Our small class sizes, high-quality academics, and the integration of technology support our individualized approach. Our teachers make learning relevant and enjoyable.
    Close student-teacher relationships allow Key Point Christian Academy at First Miami Presbyterian Church students to be comfortable taking educational risks and discussing new ideas as active participants in the classroom.
    Our graduates surface with the confidence to lead and learn knowing that education should be empowering and enjoyable. Key Point Christian Academy at First Miami Presbyterian Church will show each student that their voice matters and that good character is as important as strong math and science skills. Our graduating students are well-equipped to succeed in a challenging and rigorous high school environment.

  • Student Council

    Key Point Christian Academy at First Miami Presbyterian Church is honored to be a part of the National Student Council in support of our mission to help build empowered student leaders. As part of the Student Council, students who participate as part of their elective coursework have the opportunity to serve their fellow peers, faculty, and community in events that have the common goal of bringing people together as one community. With the support of an academic advisor, National Student Council members become effective student leaders with the ability to encourage and influence a positive school climate.

  • Physical Education Electives

    Here at Key Point Christian Academy at First Miami Presbyterian Church, students have the opportunity to take Physical Education courses around the city! Students have the choice to take tennis or swimming lessons coached by KPCA certified teachers specializing in tennis and swimming. Students are also given opportunities to expand their classroom to the local park or enjoy a run around the Brickell Bay area.

  • Learning Outside the Classroom

    It is our goal at Key Point Christian Academy at First Miami Presbyterian Church to expand our students' learning environment beyond the classroom. Each quarter our students experience innovative learning opportunities in the Miami area. Additionally, students can take advantage of domestic educational travel opportunities such as trips to Washington, D.C., the heart of American politics; Boston, Massachusetts, the center of colonial independence; and Los Angeles, California, the Golden State! While in D.C, students are able to connect with our nation’s history and culture as they visit museums, monuments, and memorials. In Boston, students are able to visit historic must-see sites critical to the founding of our nation. In LA, students are able to explore the performing arts while attending an acting workshop with professionals, participate in a makeup workshop and visit Hollywood landmarks and studios. All opportunities allow students to see their classroom textbooks come to life!

At Key Point Christian Academy, we combine an innovative curriculum, with daily physical education classes, and an organic meal program, to create what we believe is the highest quality education available for our students.

We have structured our kindergarten through 8th grade academic program around the high-quality Common Core State Standards.

  • Mathematics

    For a deep conceptual math understanding that combines problem-based learning with visual learning, our academy implements curriculum that supports effective delivery of the Florida State Standards in mathematics and meets the needs of our students. Our sixth graders use the enVision mathematics 6th grade math curriculum to develop a clear understanding of math concepts with visual models and scaffolds in every lesson. Our 7th and 8th grade students learn with the Go Math! curriculum which supports a research-based instructional approach from our teachers and aids student learning with visual models, student-centered projects, and personalized learning.


    In support of student inquiry, engagement, problem solving and creative solutions, our middle school students work with curriculums that are designed with the future scientist in mind. Our 6th graders use the elevate science curriculum that emphasizes student questions, problem solving and engineering solutions through inquiry, hands-on investigations, and evidence. Our 7th and 8th graders follow the state-of-the-art, Science Fusion curriculum. This program encourages students to fully engage with the fundamental steps of science: inquiring, thinking, predicting, analyzing, and applying. Both curriculums emphasize a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) skill focus to support deep conceptual understanding of science skills and topics.

    Accelerated Reader

    Key Point Christian Academy at First Miami Presbyterian Church uses the exciting and motivating reading program titled, “Accelerated Reader” (AR). Students read a book, take an AR Quiz, and get immediate feedback on their reading skill progression. Teachers can set personalized goals for each student and easily monitor progress towards goals Teachers get reliable reports on reading comprehension, vocabulary, literacy skills, and more.

  • Language Arts

    In support of student development of the competencies needed for college and career readiness, our middle school uses rigorous language arts curriculum. Our 6th graders learn with myPerspectives, an interactive and engaging literacy program that creates a relevant learning environment through readings, meaningful activities, and purposeful performance tasks. Our 7th and 8th graders learn with the Collections curriculum, a program that inspires them to become critical readers, writers, and thinkers by providing meaningful texts and learning opportunities. With results-driven instruction and exceptional differentiation, our students reach their fullest potential as critical thinkers and independent learners in reading and writing disciplines.

    Social Studies

    Our middle school social studies curriculum provides our students with a challenging experience that allows them to dig deep in the past, ask questions, uncover the connections for the world today, and prepare for the world tomorrow. In 6th grade our students learn with American History, a blended digital and text program that is designed to unlock our nation’s history with engaging stories, activities, and opportunities to draw connections between events in history and personal experiences. Our 7th and 8th graders engage with the comprehensive Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Social Studies program. This program is designed to engage and motivate every student by placing students inside everyday moments of history. Students learn the information and skills they need to become informed, participating citizens who consider diverse points-of-view, use critical thinking skills, and are active in their communities.


    IXL provides online integration of skills practice taught across all content areas. IXL allows teachers to pinpoint areas that require additional support to master. Additionally, IXL provides personalized skill recommendations for each student that help fill gaps of knowledge and encourage students to take control of their learning. Each problem shown to students provides immediate feedback for mistakes with detailed explanations. IXL challenges students, builds confidence, and provides supportive instruction in a fun and meaningful way.