Elementary School

At Key Point Christian Academy, we combine an innovative curriculum, with daily physical education classes, and an organic meal program, to create what we believe is the highest quality education available for our students.
We have structured our kindergarten through 8th grade academic program around the high-quality Common Core State Standards.
For a deep conceptual math understanding that combines problem-based learning with visual learning, our academy implements the enVision mathematics K-5 math curriculum. This curriculum supports effective delivery of the Florida State Standards in mathematics through a clear understanding of math concepts with visual models and scaffolds in every lesson. Our teachers use a research-based instructional approach, aided by visual models, student-centered projects, and personalized learning to support our students.
In support of student inquiry, engagement and the opportunity to actually “do” science, our academy uses the elevate Science K-8 science curriculum. This program starts with real-world, observable phenomena like weather, robots, and space travel to encourage student questions, problem solving and engineering solutions through inquiry, hands-on investigations, and evidence. This curriculum fuels interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and encourages students to work like scientists and engineers through problem solving and creative solutions.
Accelerated Reader
Key Point Christian Academy at First Miami Presbyterian Church uses the exciting and motivating reading program titled, “Accelerated Reader” (AR). Students read a book, take an AR Quiz, and get immediate feedback on their reading skill progression. Teachers get reliable reports on reading comprehension, vocabulary, literacy skills, and more. Teachers can set personalized goals for each student and easily monitor progress towards goals.
Language Arts
In support of student development of strong reading and writing skills, our school uses the rigorous myView Literacy curriculum. This comprehensive English language arts and reading program for grades K-5 offers a wide range of high-quality text, and strong daily opportunities for reading, writing, speaking, and listening aligned to Florida State Standards. With an engaging and interactive digital platform, results-driven instruction and exceptional differentiation, myView Literacy empowers students to reach their fullest potential as critical thinkers and independent learners in reading and writing disciplines.
Social Studies
Aiming to provide our students with an engaging and foundational experience and understanding, our school utilizes the myWorld Interactive K-5 social studies curriculum. Through the stories of the intriguing people, exciting places, and fascinating events that make social studies relevant to their lives, students gain a global perspective. Students also learn the information and skills they need to become informed, participating citizens who consider diverse points-of-view, use critical thinking skills, and are active in their communities. Lessons additionally apply practice in the inquiry process, additional practice in reading and writing, and involve the use of collaboration and communication skills.
IXL provides online integration of skills practice taught across all content areas. IXL allows teachers to pinpoint areas that require additional support to master. Additionally, IXL provides personalized skill recommendations for each student that help fill gaps of knowledge and encourage students to take control of their learning. Each problem shown to students provides immediate feedback for mistakes with detailed explanations. IXL challenges students, builds confidence, and provides supportive instruction in a fun and meaningful way.