4-5 Years Old

Key Point Christian Academy’s Pre K-4 program offers a wide variety of experiences to engage your child and prepare them for kindergarten.

The Pre K-4 curriculum at Key Point Christian Academy is based on the unique needs and interests of the children in the class. Our classrooms include learning centers full of ways for children to explore, investigate, and to build problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Key Point Christian Academy teachers facilitate these self-directed practices with small and large group experiences that provide children the tools they need to grow and develop naturally.

Take a look below at the innovative and comprehensive curriculums that Key Point Christian Academy has selected to best serve our students at the Pre K-4 level.

Cloud9 (PreK2 – PreK4)

Social emotional program that develops positive character traits through highly accredited character strength education.

  • Story book (one per character / monthly)
  • Postcard (one per character / monthly)
  • Pin (one per character / monthly)
  • Online resources for teacher and parents
  • Classroom poster
  • School-home connection resources

KPA Bright Bambini (Toddler – PreK4)

Custom designed cross-curricular program created by Key Point Christian Academy to support the main preschool curriculum. It is divided by theme of the week, letter, counting, number sense, color, shape, position / concept, pattern, and sight words (if applicable) by age group.

Splash into Preschool (Pre K4)

Comprehensive and integrated program using Concious Discipline® Strategies. It includes all the core domains of learning including Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, and Linguistic. It integrates all of the curricular areas including Reading and Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, and Art into the dialy instruction.

  • Theme Teacher Editions
  • Early Growth Indicators Benchmark Assessment
  • Strategy Cards
  • Family Connections
  • Pocket Chart
  • Vocabulary Cards
  • Pocket Photos
  • Photo Activity Cards
  • Sequence Cards
  • Instructional Small Books

Through our physical education program, children will be able to explore themes of physical fitness, and health and nutrition, all in a developmentally appropriate way.

Our teachers are committed to, and highly trained in our Key Point Christian Academy curriculum design. We strive to develop the most well-rounded students and to nurture their inquiring minds.