Early Childhood

Our teachers are committed to, and highly trained in our Key Point Christian Academy curriculum design. We strive to develop the most well-rounded students and to nurture their inquiring minds. Take a look below at the innovative and comprehensive curriculums that Key Point Christian Academy has selected to best serve our students at toddler level.
  • MGT

    MGT is a comprehensive curriculum that nurtures the whole child and supports social-emotional, physical and intellectual development. It builds foundational skills in early literacy, math, music, art, social studies, and science through hands-on experiences for children to explore each day. The program includes a comprehensive planning guide for teachers in support of student development including individualized progress monitoring for each student, research based foundational practices, and a monthly newsletter for parents.

    Pixie Dreams

    Pixie Values Program is a highly accredited socio-emotional curriculum to develop positive character traits. The curriculum offers activities and an important content-based program on values and character education with objectives, expected learning experiences, and development components.

  • KPA Bright Bambini

    KPCA Bright Bambini is a custom designed cross-curricular program created by Key Point Christian Academy to enhance preschool curriculum. It is divided by scope and sequence with a theme of the week, letter sounds and recognition, counting fluency, number sense, color, shape, position / concept, pattern, and sight words (if applicable) and organized by age group.