
Why Is It Important for Middle Schoolers to Eat Balanced Meals?

local private middle school

Many parents try to put their children in a private school due to the well-rounded education and discipline. According to the Noah Webster Educational Foundation, almost 85% of private educational facilities are religious. Such a facility, especially at the middle school level, understands incorporating holistic attributes such as nutrition. Your local private middle school understands the value of ensuring students have proper nutrition daily. Here are reasons your middle school student needs balanced meals every day.

1. Growth Spurts

Middle schoolers are going through adolescence, which can be challenging for children and parents. For children to have healthy growth development, they need a combination of nutrition and sleep. Growth hormones are most active at night, so getting proper rest is essential to growth. When children don’t eat well and at the appropriate time, it’s going to affect their sleep cycle.

2. Hormonal Changes

Middle school is a time of hormonal shifting for children. While that is a natural part of the development from being a child to growing into a teenager, a child’s nutrition can also have an impact. For example, a high-sugar diet or one that affects their thyroid can cause acne. Developing children need a range of vitamins from vitamin A to vitamin K. They need calcium for strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D also affects their calcium intake. Without proper nutrition, it can cause their hormones to get out of control, which can also affect behavior at school and home.

3. Energy Levels

A good local private middle school has a dynamic curriculum to benefit your child. A student must have enough energy to participate from art and music to STEM classes and technology. Otherwise, they will miss out on viable information and won’t be able to keep up with the class. A private middle school also has many extracurricular activities in which your child can burn positive energy participating. However, if they’re feeling sluggish because of their poor diet, they risk missing out on team and skill-building through music lessons or team sports.

Your local private middle school wants your child to have full development of their mind, spirit, and body. That’s why our school is proud to serve your children nutritious meals. We also want children to understand the value of maintaining good nutrition throughout their lives. To learn about our school, from our food to our curriculum, contact us today for a tour of Key Point Christian Academy.